Copyright's Right -- But...

Okay, so we had out our amazing Transformers: Legacy of Unicron movie.
Then, YouTube says "This movie has been taken off because of a copyright claim by WMG."
In case you don't know, WMG is Warner Music Group.
It appears that WMG saw our thing online and listened to it, and now say that the music we used belongs to them.
They should. It does. But we don't think taking the movie offline is a just act, especially considering that our little movie draws more fans then ever to their movie.
If they won't let us put up Legacy of Unicron, what about Wrath of Megatron?
And the video games?
And these blogs?
So now, we have to come to an immediate answer. Either: Swap music on Unicron and put it back, and do the same for Megatron, or, Stop work on all the plans for The Unicron Duet, or, continue the way we were going to, but privately, (which means we would not display this stuff on YouTube).

We have decided on a poll, you will find it on this blog.