The four races of the galaxy: Human, Autobot, Desepticon, Sparten, had a sort of crown called The Matrix.
Because they were fighting about it, they had to send it to earth, to keep it safe.
Ten years later: Unicron, a ninety-foot tall Desepticon, has been sent to find the Matrix for the Desepticons. Along with him is Dead-End, who lives in Unicron's stomach.
The US Army, not knowing what Unicron is, try to shoot at him, but fail. Then Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, enemy of the Desepticons, comes to claim The Matrix for the Autobots, and finds Unicron. Suddenly, Unicron spots The Matrix lying on a building. He sends Dead-End to get it, but Optimus shoots him down. As it seems Optimus will win the Matrix, Megatron, the leader of the Desepticons, (Who is the Boss2Megatron? Nobody knows), appears and engages Optimus. Meanwhile, the US Army is gathered together again, and Megatron calls in another Desepticon, Lugnut, to help Unicron and Dead-End defeat the tanks.
While Optimus and Megatron are fighting, Unicron spots a tank that looks like it's about to hit Optimus!
Optimus doesn't get hit, but Unicron does.
It looks like Unicron is dead... But wait...
In the end, Unicron decides to join the Autobots, and this makes him and Megatron bitter enemies.